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The hijacking of the Nashy
2021 July Ukraine Uzhgorod Kushnytsia In the hills and valleys of the Carpathian mountains in Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, and some other countries villagers speak a...
To wake up in another country in your own bed.
Estonia, Narva, Paldinski, July 2018 In your own house, in your own bed: in the morning you wake up and suddenly you are in a...
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Lepe moje crne ochi pogledajte na me
Serbia January 31st 2018 In the mainstreet of Belgrade the voices of the girls could be heard on a distance. The girl on the left...
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Lepe moje crne ochi pogledajte na me
Serbia January 31st 2018 In the mainstreet of Belgrade the voices of the girls could be heard on a distance. The girl on the left...
The cockroaches migrate in summer
Lviv, Ukraine February 2019 Remember your years as a student? The best years of your life they say. A little spartan here and there but...
Looking for a better life, 2 small portraits
2024 3 Taiwan DongGang, A morning in the busy fishing port DongGang in the south of Taiwan. Hundreds of fishing boats moored at the kay...